in Acknowledgements

To Mum,to Phoenix

I just completed 22 years of my life, and I owe my life to mum,to Phoenix,who is seriously ill these days ……but she will renovate because she is the phoenix.And I dedicate this blog to Mum,my Phoenix.

Getting 23 feels good but the journey was tough, yet pleasant.

And Mum, my Phoenix…I owe you these 22 staircases of this life-ladder. Each case was made up of your sufferings, your sacrifices, your graces and your love. You nourished me, my life, like the Ganges nourish the Indian plains.
You were always there, always at work, silent, submissive and lenient. I passed through your tears of years. You gave me 100%; I could not give you even a single percent. Now it’s late, though I have put my whole being for you, I remained short-handed; vain…to take you out of the mire…..I should not have left you when the colors left you. That was a mistake mum. That was a terrible stroke of fate.Alone, dejected, cold…I can imagine your sufferings and those following tears of yours during those times …that will curse all my life ahead. Forgive me Mum; I was too little to understand such a complicated tragedy of life.  But. There is no escape mum, and I am ready to pay the every price of your suffering. yet I m glad you have always been a Phoenix, you have been that emblem of courageous existence… so much of suffering and so much of enduring and so much of striving and so much of surviving….

You are the bulkiest volume that taught me the most.
You are the faith, you are the hope, and you are the love…..
And you know it, you are the one who inspired me to dream of children and the joy of submitting life for them…And I dedicate these 22 years and years ahead to you, to you Mum, to Phoenix.

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  1. Hey Avinashi Jee, You are a great feeler, responsible, creative and bold model girl of our country. Explore, share and make positive impact as much as possible! I wish for your mum’s wellness and a warm Happy Birthday to U!

  2. Happy birthday! Wish you success and happiness in every steps of your life.

    And wish your mum recovery and good health!

  3. Hey
    Happy Belated birthday to you..dear Avi
    The feelings of yours I can feel it , through your writing..well wishes to your mom I hope everything will be fine…

    Good Luck dear

  4. All my sympathies are with you, avi. Brave daughter of a wonderful mother.