in Acknowledgements


Around a week ago, I got a call from an emerging writer/translator .He asked me if I want one of my blog entry ‘No Woman, no, cry’ to be translated into Nepali and to be published as an op-ed piece in one of the most happening dailies of Nepal. I was glad to have that offer. But then, I told him honestly that, whatever was written was better expressed in English, Nepali would be more of an impediment for  the transmission of that particular theme, and that the blog is merely a blog, a figment of mind out of nothingness… Moreover, that does not make up to the mark of an op-ed article. And then a new friend of mine, a lady, exclaimed in a chat that she liked it so so much…

It was great listening to those appreciations, and it was greater, again, to hear some serious doubts, scrutinized criticisms from some honest skeptics. My former boss, told me about the post ‘I felt uncomfortable Avinashi jee, k k kasto kasto k…kaha naturally hune Kura lai bhagwansanga lagera jodera….’ ‘Agreed sir! ‘I retorted. And again I got a mail from faraway, from a practicing Alchemist. I am posting that here jastako tastai:
I sometimes read your blogs
I sometimes read your blogs, whenever I get time and I can remember there are interesting ideas that I can read without paying a penny, and generally, they are filled up with good stuffs. As of few days, I am feeling a too much feministic waves in your blog, and in this article. I am feeling like this, maybe I have cleaned my mind with the unpleasant cultural aspects raised with monthly cycles in our society, which are outcomes of greater socio-economic problems. These problems will be no more a big problem, if we educated and aware people try beginning to clean up the traditional mindsets in our own home. Anyway the issue, I want to make aware is not this, but something else.
I think, no educated and open minded man, who has understood the natural physiology disagrees with your idea of natural highhandedness bestowed to women (and also to all the females of a species) by Mother Nature. But highlighting this very universal truth as subject of greater emphasis of natural advantage over male is not so good idea. Sometimes, I think beauty in many other species of life is a matter of male subject, rather than female: see peacock over peahen, and male of superior bird paradise to female, or exotic fishes, there is a long list.. But Avinashi’s, this blog is trying to demonstrate the highhandedness over the other wheel of life. Its Nature’s decision-male cannot even feel this delightment of peeing blood……
Similarly, this blog has so many contradictory remarks, like menstruation is Gods’ updation of woman, so what about post-menstruation women, are they outdated? “…God loves when you are peeing…” so what about those ladies who completed that particular period of lifecycle?  It also says, peeing blood is the sole and greatest purpose of life, and who created the garbage there?  Your blog also indirectly approves the traditional male dominated idea of taking woman as machine…
Sometimes writers explain the physiochemical process so funny…same is here machines, robots….
I think you are among few persons who have known so much about humiliation that woman undergoes in these 4 days due to mindset of our society. We all have read the hateful issues that the women of remote areas like far-western Nepal go through. You have reached so many such areas, why don’t you raise those here.

What a momentum! What a refine and precise points, Mr.Karki, I am indebted.
So, now should I have to tell anything further? I don’t know. I am but a Ghost, of a dead writer, blogger. I just want to say, One day I will come up with a better manifestation of my random dots of thoughts.
Thanks a lot for everyone, who read and commented and also to those who did not.

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  1. Avinashi Jee, I have been noticing that your expressions are able to create waves of thoughts. I think in every writing or presentation one wants to elaborate the main idea, thoughts and feelings. While doing so, one wants to elaborate that idea with logical reasoning to convince self and readers/audience by organizing/presenting in an artistic way. And rationalising one’s ideas, thought and feelings are based on feelings, emotions, knowledge source, and possibly an intention to give some message. I think in that very post you have tried to express your feelings and give some message to the youth girls related with skeptic culture inside our home and society. I had also felt some exaggeration in your expression to describe this natural process of ‘peeing blood’ by women which you had associated it with God, machine, robot and be proud and happy for it …. But reading your courage to make this skeptic issue open by expressing it in artistic way was easily able to shadow on my disagreement with your reasoning’s. That was also my emotional state.  Probably I did not want to elaborate my disagreements because of two main reasons. First, these all issues were contradictory issues (which I think) and second these were also some sole women feelings which I can’t feel. After reading this post it made me think, a bit deeper. Indeed these issues are quite contradictory for debate also. Belief in god, the physiological processes inside beings, the psychological developments related with those issues is a subject of never-ending debates. But when we believe on universal truth and scientific way of rationalizing our thoughts then it becomes a bit easy.

    From this interaction it is important to note that while giving message through some feelings and thoughts it is also extremely important to care about how appropriately and scientifically one rationalise the ideas. It seems that conveying message, making understand is easy but creating awareness is not a simple process. To make others aware becomes successful when we can disseminate the knowledge appropriately and scientifically ….at least based on scientific ground and universal truth.

    At last I think…this is a best way of expressing, reflecting, constructing and sharing thoughts. This is the process knowledge is built. I feel you are doing great job!