Ever Been Intrested in Stars ?

Take this great read from Nepali Times of last week

Star Gazing
November Sky




This month Mars is hard to find, but Jupiter and Venus provide a brilliant display in the evening sky and we also have a couple of meteor showers. But before we get to them, let me tell you about the great stars of November. On any clear evening, if you look directly overhead, you will find four bright stars that form an almost perfect square.

This is the Great Square of Pegasus. To the north of Pegasus, you will find the ‘W’ shaped constellation of Cassiopeia. Just below Cassiopeia and to the east of Pegasus you can see the Andromeda constellation, near the centre of which lies the Andromeda Galaxy, M31? just visible to the naked eye but clearly seen through binoculars.

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The multimedia workshop reflection

( This blog-content is based on purely personal reflection and perception, so please don’t take it for some serious judgement and forgive the offences (if any) and I dedicate this blog to a friend who sent me the application  link for the workshop and who deserved to be there more than me )



The Entrance

‘An air of Stupidity’


I felt stupid as I entered. I felt stupid and detached for having no eyes to sparkle and no smile to trigger upon seeing me .I mean, I was expecting some of my friends ,I don’t know who, to be there.  It was an awkward and lone cup of coffee. But as the Program kicked off, the air of stupidity vanished.


Ghanshyam Ojha

An evocative calling


If it were not him, our very good-amiable and sweet-instincted -Sambhu Dai, the air of stupidity would have lingered longer. I felt so .His precise notions of experience as a Daniel Pearl and Alfred Friendly fellow, were clear to understand and practical to grasp. The salient features of American Journalism, as he presented as simple as it could be, were very impressive. The American tendency of looking seriously into ethics, on-location reporting and photo-shooting, not using the sources according to the journo’s comfort, verifying the sources seriously, usage of separate software for tracking the dates and other backgrounds of different events, comparing and contrasting with the similar past events while writing about the particular event, going beyond the event, covering more the analytical aspect of the event /relating more to how the particular event matters to the society and humanity and more . His pragmatic dichotomy between American and Nepali Journalism regarding corporate influence exerted on it was quite interesting; the American Editors are proactive while Nepali Editors are post-active. His interest in investigative journalism seemed very passionate, confident and promising. His simplicity of telling was an evocative calling. (घन्श्याम दाई, तपाई कुन कलेजमा पढाउनु हुन्छ? I am tempted to be your student)

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Replicating Tibet at Syafrubesi

Here are some pics from my last Syafrubesi trip.I did some story on the life of Tibetan refugees, resideing in the camp and ICT in Syafrubesi. .I tried to snap Tibetan people,their interiors at house and shrine and others. I don’t know P of photography , so forgive the sloppy-looking pics.And aslo I could not put the pics and caption in proper order becuase the internet is too sluggy and impossible

 ॐ माने पेमे हुँ, पार्थना मै छ जिन्दगी

ॐ माने पेमे हुँ, पार्थना मै छ जिन्दगी


यो मन त मेरो तिब्बती हो

यो मन त मेरो तिब्बती हो

Among the bright stars…

You are the star of Clear November Sky

You are the star of Clear November Sky

 गिरीश कर्नाडले लेखेको अनुप बरालले निर्देशन गरेको र करिब एकवर्ष अगाडी गुरुकुलमा मन्चन गरिएको ” बाँकी उज्यालो” नाटक हेर्नुभएको भए यो अनुहारलाई पक्कै बिर्सनुभएको छैन । पागल अनुराधालाई एकोहोरो माया गर्ने क्युट सेन्सेटिभ र सेरिन अनुहार भएको पात्र सतिश । टलकजंग भर्सेज टुल्के नाटकको एक आवारा । “दोषी चस्मा” , “सालिक र सीपाही ”  जस्ता नाटकहरुमा पनि अविष्मरणीय भुमिका । धेरै राम्रो क्षमता र आशा भएका रंगमंचका यी कलाकार रविन पाण्डे अब हामी माझ रहेनन् । कहिल्यै कुरा गर्ने मौका त मिलेन तर मलाई कुरा गर्न मनलागेका थोरै मान्छे मध्ये रविन पनि थिए । तर अफशोच‌। I pray his soul may rest in peace in heaven. And yes, Dear Rabin, You are the one I felt colse to ,though we have never met. You will be among the bright star in the sky, I will greet you , every time you rise in the sky.

 P.S: Thanks a lot to


Rojina for the information

Bhabasagar for the picture  

To Tagore…

Last night, I gave some “pondering” over Tagore, the reasonist, the educationist, the reformist and the romancer. I read of him recently and was amazed by the contradictions in his life. Lemmi bullet some points

  • He happens to be the only lyricist in the world, whose songs are sung as National Anthem by two nation simultaneously, i.e India ( Jana Gana Mana) and Bangladesh (Amar Sonar Bangla).
  • Tagore had even argued with Einstein over the nature of truth. Tagore believed in absoluteness of the truth, he argued, “Will Hellen cease to be beautiful if all the human beings die ? “. It is said that even Einstein agreed this absoluteness of truth ( especially in case of beauty)

    Einstein & Tagore

    Tagore with Einstein

  • Being a perfect Bengoli Brahmin,his life and works are greatly affected by the three ‘clashing’ civilization, Hindu, Moslem and christianity.
  • He was a school dropout, he never did his diploma but was such an ardent educationist that he opened the skool “Shantiniketan” in kolkata that produced many great Indians like Indira Gandhi, Satyajit Ray, Amrtya Sen and the list goes on. I choked on my tea when I read that ,sometimes, they wud not have any exams in the skool
  • His (Platonic ?) relationship with his sister-in-law,her suicide after his marriage  and his works on her comemmoration.
  • His uninitiated, unadvanced rapport with few other Foreign girls( He remained unmarried after the death of his wife after the 9th year of thier marriage)
  • It was Tagore who addressed Gandhi as Mahatma. Tagore Thought Gandhi to be the greatest man of his time, but with much reservation, despite the ambvialnt appriciation for each other, they both had a huge contradiction, let me put here some, Gandhi was a diehard nationalsit but Tagore was a diehard Humanist. Gandhi thought the spinning of one’s own fabric ( Charkha aandolan) can be a great move towrds the self-realization, self- relaince of Indian independent culture and economy, whilst, Tagore thought it to be the Education that can help Indians with self-realization and self-realiance. Because this rationlist man “Tagore” revered reason as the most important element of humanlife. He said “No one actually have to ‘think’ anything while spinning” .

    Tagore with Gandhi

    Tagore with Gandhi

  • W. B Yeats, Ejra Pound and other prominient western writers of that time loved Tagore so much so that Yeats even helped him translating “Geetanjali”…but later on, those writers changed their views towards him, scathingly castigating him afterwards.
  • He was also a great Painter
  • He renounced his knighthood after the Amritsar Mascarre

There are much more fascinating facts .Bengoli language and litreture in India still happens to be the most sophisticated one. May be its Tagore’s contribution that there are great Bengal names in Indian Litreture, education and even in Cinema.

( Inspired by The Amartya Sen’s essay on Tagore in the book “The Argumentative Indians”)