
अभिशेक,रन्जन र अन्जन, दायाँबाट

अभिशेक,रन्जन र अन्जन, दायाँबाट

रन्जन फर्ष्ट भएछ।दुई कक्षाको पहिलो त्रैमासिक परिक्षामा।मिहिनेत गरे भाग्य बदल्न सकिन्छ भन्ने कुरा you are teaching me boss!I am proud of you…Keep up this spirit but सरले भन्दैहुनुहुन्थ्यो “भँगेरा जत्रो अक्षरलाई चामल जत्रो बनाउ ”  खाली कार्टुनमात्र नहेर ।Never forget that, Jupiter is the biggest planet…but only of our solar system . अनि अन्जन, भाई बाट केहि सिक यार । मान्छे naturally talented भएर मात्र हुदैन मिहिनेत पनि गर्नुपर्छ ।अभिशेक….तिम्रो ताल नि भएन यार । You are the best among 3,you know so many things but  पढाईमा मेहनत गर न । प्लिज ।   तैपनि तिनैजनालाई बधाई छ ।

नौलो क्रान्ति-1

This story is again from long time back,when the conflict was in its climax.This is written for a special purpose..it is more a development story(rather than pure literary)..So..Please enjoy..and I will complete it in another episode)


बस रोकिन्छ ।ऊ ओर्लिन्छ । दुवै आ-आफ्नै गन्तब्यतिर लाग्छन । ऊ अनि बस । उनीहरु छुट्‌टीदाखेरी बीचमा एउटा साठी डिग्रीको कोण बन्छ ।

छ बजेछ । आठबजे त घर कसो नपुगिएला । तेतिबेला भान्सा उठिसकेको हुनेछ । केहि छैन, गुन्द्रुक जिन्दावाद । मुग्लिनको सोडा हालेको भातलाई पनि धन्यवाद, अहिलेसम्म भोक लागेको छैन । फेरि ऊ घरिघरि भोक लागिरहने मान्छे पनि होइन किनकी ऊ खानका लागी बाँच्दैन । गाडी डिजेल खानकालागी गुड्छ र ? ऊ अगि आएको मिनीबस तल घुम्तीमा पुगिसकेछ ।

आजको यो उकालो सातवर्ष अगाडि ऊ काठमान्डु जानलाग्दा ओरालो थियो । एउटै बाटो कहिले उकाली त कहिले ओराली बनेर तेर्सिदिन्छ । अचम्म । जिवनपनि यस्तै हो । यसबिचमा आँधीखोलामा निकै पानी बग्यो र रगत पनि । बाग्मतीमा ढल बगेझैं । भैगो, यो सब समयको खेल हो ।

ऊ आज गाउँ फर्किएको छ । केहि ज्ञान,अनुभव र एउटा नौलो क्रान्तिको सोच लिएर। क्रान्तिको नाम सुन्ने वित्तिकै झस्कनेहरु धेरै छन यहाँ । क्रान्ति भनेको बन्दुक, ढुंगामुढा, पार्टीको झण्डा या अराजकता होईन भनेर उनीहरुलाई बुझाउन निकै गाह्रो पर्नेछ उसलाई । तर त्यो असंभव छैन ।

ब्यक्तिगत, आर्थिक र शैक्षिक उन्नतिलाई जिन्दगीको प्रमुख मुद्दा बनाएर देशभरीका लाखौं यूवाहरु काठमान्डु भासिए । विदेश जानेहरुको त झन् कुरै नगरौं । उनीहरु पद र पैसाका लागी बाँचे । तर ऊ केहि अलग किसिमले,केहि अलग प्रयोजनका लागी बाँच्न चाहन्छ । त्यसैले, आफ्ना प्रत्येक जिजीविषालाई स्वाभिमानी र सार्थक तुल्याउन ऊ आज गाउँ फर्कदैं छ। काठमान्डुका लागी ऊ बोझ थियो, गाउँका लागी खाँचो ।

ऊ निकै रोएकी थिई उसले गाउँले फर्कने निर्णय लिंदा । अँ ऊ को भने; उसकी साथी भन्दा थोरै बढि र प्रेमिका भन्दा थोरै कम । यस्तो नाताको कुनै परिभाषा छैन । प्रस्ताव नराखेको होईन उसले । तर जतिसुकै गहिरो प्रेमको बाचा हालेपनि यो पहाडी पाखोमा आएर एउटा सामान्य जिन्दगी बिताउन तयार भइन् ऊ । केही छैन, प्रेमलाई त्यति पनि लम्ब्याउनुहुदैन ताकि त्यो पट्यारलाग्दो बनोस् । आखिर प्रेम कुनै अंकुश हैन । यो रक्तपातमा के? मर्न जाने गाउँमा? उसले तर्क राखेकी थिई। तर खोक्रो ।पलायनवादीको आक्षेप लगाउन पनि भ्याई उसले । मोरी! कस्ती घमण्डी ।

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चतुर्दशीको जून…….

अफिसबाट निस्कदा,
आकाशको निलो,
धमिलिदै थियो
चतुर्दशीको जुन,
भर्खरै उत्रेको थियो आकाशमा
त्यही जुनलाई साक्षी मान्दै,
सुर्यको अन्तिम किरणले
गणेश हिमालको सिउँदोमा
एक धर्सो सिंदुर पोतिदियो,
लाजले होला
रातको घुम्टोले काठमान्डुलाई ढाक्दै
चन्द्रागिरीको डाँडोबाट
सुर्य फुत्रुक्क ओर्ल्यो,
अनि फेरि,
आफ्नै आफ्नै गन्ध बोकेका
ताता ताता सासहरु
गन्तब्यमा पुग्न हतारिएका
अनेकन् सुस्केरा र उच्छवासहरु,
माइक्रो बसको ताल सधैं यस्तै हो
“सुहागरात है ये घुङघट उठारहा हुँ मै
तुझे जमी पर बुलाया गया है मेरे लिए”
त्यो धरती र आकाशको सुहागसाँझलाई
माइक्रोबसका गुरुजीले, यो गित बजाएर
मधुर बनाईदिए ,
म सामाखुशी चोकमा उत्रदा,
अँध्यारो झन् गाढा भएको थियो,
दुर क्षितिजमा घरतीआकाश एकाकार थिए
र त्यो मिलनको साक्षी चतुर्दशीको जून
बहुत चम्किएर गएको थियो
जूनको मुन्तिर
मार्स र जुपिटर
लगभग ११० डीग्रीको कोण बनाएर
बसेका थिए; मानौं द्वारपालझै,
मफलरमा अड्केका आफ्ना सासहरुलाई
आफै सुंघ्दै, आफैं मदहोश हुँदै
केहिछिनको हिडाईंपछि घरपुग्दा
आकाशमा ताराहरुको बाढी लागेको थियो,
धरती र आकाशको बिहेपार्टीमा होला
“तिम्रो बिहेपार्टी चैं कहिले खुवाउने ?”
चतुर्दशीको जूनले मलाई जिस्काउँदै थियो
मोरो !!!!

Ever Been Intrested in Stars ?

Take this great read from Nepali Times of last week

Star Gazing
November Sky




This month Mars is hard to find, but Jupiter and Venus provide a brilliant display in the evening sky and we also have a couple of meteor showers. But before we get to them, let me tell you about the great stars of November. On any clear evening, if you look directly overhead, you will find four bright stars that form an almost perfect square.

This is the Great Square of Pegasus. To the north of Pegasus, you will find the ‘W’ shaped constellation of Cassiopeia. Just below Cassiopeia and to the east of Pegasus you can see the Andromeda constellation, near the centre of which lies the Andromeda Galaxy, M31? just visible to the naked eye but clearly seen through binoculars.

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The multimedia workshop reflection

( This blog-content is based on purely personal reflection and perception, so please don’t take it for some serious judgement and forgive the offences (if any) and I dedicate this blog to a friend who sent me the application  link for the workshop and who deserved to be there more than me )



The Entrance

‘An air of Stupidity’


I felt stupid as I entered. I felt stupid and detached for having no eyes to sparkle and no smile to trigger upon seeing me .I mean, I was expecting some of my friends ,I don’t know who, to be there.  It was an awkward and lone cup of coffee. But as the Program kicked off, the air of stupidity vanished.


Ghanshyam Ojha

An evocative calling


If it were not him, our very good-amiable and sweet-instincted -Sambhu Dai, the air of stupidity would have lingered longer. I felt so .His precise notions of experience as a Daniel Pearl and Alfred Friendly fellow, were clear to understand and practical to grasp. The salient features of American Journalism, as he presented as simple as it could be, were very impressive. The American tendency of looking seriously into ethics, on-location reporting and photo-shooting, not using the sources according to the journo’s comfort, verifying the sources seriously, usage of separate software for tracking the dates and other backgrounds of different events, comparing and contrasting with the similar past events while writing about the particular event, going beyond the event, covering more the analytical aspect of the event /relating more to how the particular event matters to the society and humanity and more . His pragmatic dichotomy between American and Nepali Journalism regarding corporate influence exerted on it was quite interesting; the American Editors are proactive while Nepali Editors are post-active. His interest in investigative journalism seemed very passionate, confident and promising. His simplicity of telling was an evocative calling. (घन्श्याम दाई, तपाई कुन कलेजमा पढाउनु हुन्छ? I am tempted to be your student)

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Replicating Tibet at Syafrubesi

Here are some pics from my last Syafrubesi trip.I did some story on the life of Tibetan refugees, resideing in the camp and ICT in Syafrubesi. .I tried to snap Tibetan people,their interiors at house and shrine and others. I don’t know P of photography , so forgive the sloppy-looking pics.And aslo I could not put the pics and caption in proper order becuase the internet is too sluggy and impossible

 ॐ माने पेमे हुँ, पार्थना मै छ जिन्दगी

ॐ माने पेमे हुँ, पार्थना मै छ जिन्दगी


यो मन त मेरो तिब्बती हो

यो मन त मेरो तिब्बती हो

आनाकानी गर्छौ किन ?….

आनाकानी गर्छौ किन माया लगाउन ?
हुन्छ भने हुन्छ भन हुन्न भने हुन्न भन….

तिमीसँग कहिल्यै केहि झुठो बोल्या छैन
मागें साथ मिठो माया अरु केहि माग्या हैन
लैजाने छु तिमीलाई मेरो घर सजाउन
हुन्छ भने हुन्छ भन हुन्न भने हुन्न भन….

आनाकानी गर्छौ किन ?….

आकाशको तारा झर्दा तिमीलाई नै माग्ने गर्छु
फुर्सद छैन एकैछिन तिमीलाई नै सोच्ने गर्छु
मनको कुरा सबैं भनें छोड अब लजाउन
हुन्छ भने हुन्छ भन हुन्न भने हुन्न भन….

आनाकानी गर्छौ किन ?….


Among the bright stars…

You are the star of Clear November Sky

You are the star of Clear November Sky

 गिरीश कर्नाडले लेखेको अनुप बरालले निर्देशन गरेको र करिब एकवर्ष अगाडी गुरुकुलमा मन्चन गरिएको ” बाँकी उज्यालो” नाटक हेर्नुभएको भए यो अनुहारलाई पक्कै बिर्सनुभएको छैन । पागल अनुराधालाई एकोहोरो माया गर्ने क्युट सेन्सेटिभ र सेरिन अनुहार भएको पात्र सतिश । टलकजंग भर्सेज टुल्के नाटकको एक आवारा । “दोषी चस्मा” , “सालिक र सीपाही ”  जस्ता नाटकहरुमा पनि अविष्मरणीय भुमिका । धेरै राम्रो क्षमता र आशा भएका रंगमंचका यी कलाकार रविन पाण्डे अब हामी माझ रहेनन् । कहिल्यै कुरा गर्ने मौका त मिलेन तर मलाई कुरा गर्न मनलागेका थोरै मान्छे मध्ये रविन पनि थिए । तर अफशोच‌। I pray his soul may rest in peace in heaven. And yes, Dear Rabin, You are the one I felt colse to ,though we have never met. You will be among the bright star in the sky, I will greet you , every time you rise in the sky.

 P.S: Thanks a lot to


Rojina for the information

Bhabasagar for the picture  

एउटा विभत्स कथा

I wrote this story in 2060 B.S.,when the armed conflict was at its climax. It’s my first and only published story in Nepali .It was published in a local magazine of my hometown.I was seventeen when I wrote it. When I read it now, I feel a sort of humiliation, I was so radicle and fanatic tetibela…But I feel it close to my heart.Some scholar has said, if you want to write good, go through humiliation as much as you can , the more you feel humuliated , more you can catch up with your true creativity.so, I read it time and again,again and again, undergo more and more humiliation, so that I reckon my mistakes, mistakes of instinct and frailty of crativity…….And whoever read it, Please share me what sort of humiliation you feel .

एकादेशमा….. सायद, कथा यसरी नै सुरु गरिन्छ क्यारे! म पनि यसरी नै सुरु गर्छु । तर पनि मलाई थाहा छैन यो कथाको वास्तविक सुरुवात कसले,किन र कसरी गर्यो । यो कथा मेरो हो अनि हाम्रो हो ।सर्वप्रथम यो कथाको परिवेश तर्फ लागौं । यो कथा बाँचेको परिवेश पनि यो कथा जत्तिकै विभत्स थियो ।

त्यतिबेला न्यूयोर्क र वासिङ्टन डी सी का गगनचुम्बी भवनमात्र होईनन् ईराकी शासकका बगदादस्थित बंकर र शालीकहरु पनि ढलेका थिए । बुशहरु, लादेनहरु र हुसैनहरु त्यो यूगका चालकहरु थिए । त्यतिबेला अफगानिस्तानहरु लथालिङ्ग थिए , ईराकहरु भताभुङ्ग थिए । इजरायल र प्यालेष्टाईनहरु जुद्धै थिए,  भारत र पाकिस्तानहरु बाझ्दै थिए । अब फेरि यो कथाको पृष्ठभूमीतिर जाउँ ।

पृथ्वीको पूर्वीय पाटोमा, विशाल हिमवतखण्डको  मुटुमा एउटा सानो संसार थियो । यति,काँडे भ्याकुर, चेपाङ्ग र सतार देखी म/हामी सबैलाई बास दिने त्यो सानो संसार विश्व मानचित्रमा गुन्द्री झैं पसारिएको थियो । त्यो प्यारो देशले हामीलाई सहनशिल हुन सिकाएको थियो । देशका शासकको वंश नै सखाप हुँदा होस् या संविधानकै बलात्कार हुँदा होस् , महँगीले आकाश छुँदा होस् या भ्रष्टाचारले सिमा नाघ्दा होस्  , हामी चुपचाप लुरुलुरु अर्मपर्म , मेलापात धाईरहन्थ्यौं । देशभरी जताततै घाउ नै घाउहरु थिए, ती घाउहरु राजनैतिक अस्थिरताका , मेलम्चीका, कृष्णभिरका खुदुनावारीका, कालापानीका ,लक्ष्मणपुरका अनि सारा कर्णालीका घाउहरु थिए । मानेभन्ज्याङ्ग देखी चाँदनी दोधारासम्म महसुस गर्न सकिन्थ्यो त्यो घाउको पिडा । त्यो माथी पनि त्यहाँ एउटा याम आएको थियो ; सामरिक विभीषिकाको याम । त्यतिबेला त्यहाँ इजिप्टको पिरामिड जस्तै कंकालको सगरमाथा थियो । त्यहाँ आँशुको मेची बग्थ्यो , रगतको महाकाली बग्थ्यो । अब म मेरो आफ्नो मुल कथा सुरु गर्छु ।

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Coming home to the sky and the stars !!

Whenever I am sad, I look into the sky. This time my sadness lingered longer and I looked into the sky for longer period of time. The sky shares your sadness, I’ve always thought so. Someone’s just smeared the horizon with tender saffron, up to where the sky has been stretched out. They say the sky goes to the infinity but how you believe it when you don’t see anything yonder the hill? (But this never wondered me because I have taken the infinity for granted). Some say Sky’s nothing but a vacuum and isn’t it a genius of mankind that measured the void and named the nothingness?  .Whatever, I believe in that mystic force of the sky that keeps us afloat in the air, along with the billions of celestial bodies.

 There’s something in the sky that steals your sadness and scatters all over the sky. Those perforated piece of clouds are the perforated piece of your jaded dreams, just been stolen from your heart, it feels so. And those wandering clouds give the sky the look of a worn out quilt of a penniless wanderer, with perforated feathers and fibers inside. Every one of us coil and uncoil and recoil under this huge quilt of the sky never shuddering  lest we might fall down to some spot of the Andromeda Nebula since all we are doing is floating in the air. Unconsciously, we entrust our lives to the force of the sky that keeps us afloat.
The deep gaze and meditation towards the sky looses the tightened ropes of the earthly affairs and lessens the pain. It makes you feel what a teeny-weeny existence you bear, it compels you to think how small you are, how small your boss is, how small your men/women folks are, how small everything is, how small your dream is, how small your sadness is, in fact how small your earth is. Bertrand Russell has written somewhere that, there might be creatures residing in some planet, to whom we might be what Jellyfish are to us. It relieves a lot when you realize what a small thing is it that you are crying for, that you are hurting your people for.

This sixth-day moon of the waning phase tells me about the inevitability of the waxing-and-waning phase, moments and events of life. The Sky alone has a lot to teach us, we just need to keep our faculty of wonder open. And hey, have you ever loved the Jupiter like your father?  I have. Previously, it used to be my lucky star. Star, brighter the luckier. Just a sight of it would made my another day better. Then later I realized it was my father blessing me every time I greet it. It was glittering like my father, it was graceful like my father and it was distant like my father. Finally I was told that my brightest star is actually not a star but the Jupiter and I happened to love it more than before for I loved the person who introduced me with the Jupiter. And see, now Jupiter symbolizes what I live for, it’s my luck, it’s my grace, it’s my dream and it’s my father .

 I feel familiar to all the stars and bodies of the sky, they are like friends, amiable and cool .I converse with those stars and they twinkle back. It’s a strange relationship. I read somewhere, when we are looking at the stars; we are looking a long way back to ourselves. Stars are history in themselves, and they are our history. When we are seeing the star which is a certain light year far from us, we are seeing certain year older star, and if there’s someone atop the star looking at us, s/he might be seeing us certain year older. Did you get my point? It’s not complicated at all .May be I will talk about it later. And this History-factor of the star tells   you what a bubble you are comparing to those colossal bodies and forces which are at work in the universe since the time we can not even imagine.

 Just think, how many times do we revolve around the sun in our life? In majority of the case, not even a hundred times. And we still boast of being superior to ourselves? And we still are fighting for our twopence ego? And we still strive to win the world? .Oh God!! I’ve been digressing!!I was actually talking about the sadness and the sky. Anyways, now I feel better. I love my mother who is blooming with broccoli and standing tall like the peepal tree   in the earth and I love my father who sits at a pole of the Jupiter with an advanced telescope, and I am afloat in the air with all the people I love, between the earth and the sky.